Funny Pictures Taken on Roller Coasters

Who doesn't love going to the amusement park? After all, there's something for everyone. Even if you're not a fan of the big rides (and some of us aren't), there are still plenty of things for you to do.

But some people just love roller coasters. It doesn't matter how old they are or how many they've been on before; they're always game to go again. They'll even stand in line for hours if it means they get a chance to go on the roller coaster of their dreams.

Someone came up with the brilliant idea to install cameras at the biggest drop point. Thanks to that, we get to enjoy the amazingly hilarious results. Here are the 60 funniest roller coaster photos to come out of amusement parks.

1. Now that's teamwork

Some people love gaming so much, it's hard to pry them away from the controller. But bringing a game onto a water slide is quite extreme…even for those individuals.

2. The circle of life

This guy takes an annual trip to the amusement park. As part of that, he made it a tradition to take a silly photo every year, even bringing props. I think this one might've been the best.

3. Hulk SMASH

When you know there's a camera, you have to come up with an idea of what to do…but you have to think FAST. This guy decided to go all in, even sacrificing his shirt in the process.

4. Can you say "unimpressed"?

It's common to see pictures of people on roller coasters screaming, cheering, or throwing their arms in the air. It's not exactly normal for people to sit in stone silence as they drop. I guess they've seen better.

5. It's important to stay informed

It's essential to know what's going on in the world of current events, but taking a newspaper on a waterslide is kind of impractical. It's hard to read when your paper's wet.

6. Time for a quick shave

There's nothing worse than going out only to realize you forgot to shave that morning. But that doesn't mean you have to pull out a razor and start shaving on Splash Mountain.

7. Does anyone hear Eye of the Tiger?

If you're confused by what's going on here, that Soviet flag might give you a clue. It's a recreation of Rocky, complete with plenty of props.

8. Time for dinner

I can't choose my favorite part of this. They brought a huge number of props and even dressed up. But I think I'm going to go with the "waiter" who's holding an entire roasted chicken.

9. Hey girl

While this guy's surrounded by screaming riders, he's not flustered in the least. If anything, he looks like he's taking a photo for a dating site. "I love roller coasters, but I'm a sensitive guy."

10. "You'll have to speak up"

Those people who talk on the phone in public are so annoying, aren't they? At least, in this case, none of his fellow passengers can hear. Neither can he, but oh well.

11. Well, it is Splash Mountain

Sometimes, you see a roller coaster photo that makes you wonder, "What on earth is happening here?" Sure, it's Splash Mountain, but I don't think you're supposed to dump water bottles on your face.

12. Best proposal ever

This group of friends worked together to set up the world's greatest proposal. That's Lauren in the front, while her significant other sits right behind her. And as hoped for, she said yes.

13. Is that regulation size?

There was always that one guy on your college campus who was really into ping pong. And I mean REALLY. It seems he graduated and went on to continue playing ping pong in other venues.

14. Time to party

If preferred, you can enjoy a quick game of beer pong on the roller coaster. But I don't think they allow alcohol on the rides, so you'll just have to pretend.

15. Cooler than cool

These guys look pretty cool in their tuxedos and sunglasses, but they must've been dying in the heat. Can you imagine having to call park emergency services because some guy in a tux passed out? Yeah, that'd embarrassing.

16. I don't think he's having fun

This is most likely this little boy's first time on a roller coaster. While everyone else looks like they're having a grand old time, he has an expression of being terrified. I'm sure this is his family's favorite photo.

17. She's mad and she wants you to know it

When her husband refused to go on the ride with her, this wife wasn't about to let him think she was happy. When she passed the camera, she struck this angry pose so he'd know exactly how she felt.

18. Thanks for the comparison

This little boy looked so frightened in the photo that his mother shared a regular photo of him for comparison. Maybe he got possessed by a roller coaster demon. I don't have another explanation.

19. I don't blame them for a second

When these sisters found out there was a camera on the roller coaster, they decided to strike a calm, unruffled pose. When they saw the result, they spent $10 to take it home.

20. Why is this so funny?

The attendant always tells riders to keep their arms and legs inside the roller coaster car at all times. This guy doesn't have a choice. But that didn't stop him from staging a tableau with his friends.

21. Nice reflexes

Always empty your pockets before getting on a roller coaster. The guy on the left, sitting in the front row, lost his keys during the ride. Thankfully, the man seated behind him managed to snatch them mid-air.

22. He suppressed the memory

When this guy found an old picture of his first roller coaster ride, he couldn't help but share it. The poor kid looks thoroughly terrified. I wonder if he's been on another one since then.

23. A story in three pictures

These kids are taking their first roller coaster ride and these pictures tell the whole story. Their faces go from elated to shocked to full of regret. Why's it so funny?

24. This is a high-security roller coaster

This group of friends decided to pose as security guards while visiting an amusement park. They even kept up the charades while on the roller coaster. The other park-goers must've thought he was an important guy. It also makes you wonder how the real security guards let them into the park dressed that way.

25. Zero stars

When this girl uploaded a photo of herself on her first roller coaster, it quickly went viral. She even saw it featured on "Ellen." Let's just say a lot of people connected with her expression of sheer terror.

26. They're only horsing around

This is funny and creepy at the same time. But you have to applaud this group for being committed. They carried those horseheads around the park with them all day.

27. Now that's service

I hope this guy has a steady hand. It's hard enough to achieve a perfect shave while you're standing on the ground. It's downright impossible while you're flying through the air.

28. Better get ready to go

Some families have a knack for being late to everything, don't they? Just look at these guys. They're already on the ride and they still haven't brushed their teeth, shaved, or put on their makeup.

29. Were they still friends at the end of the ride?

Monopoly is a game that can divide the closest of friends. If they started playing at the beginning of the ride, there's a good chance they were fighting at the end of it.

30. Giddy up

When two brothers found out there was a camera on the roller coaster, they made it their mission to take as many ridiculous photos as possible. This one might just take the cake.

31. Forever a meme

When this group of friends went to the amusement park, they had a plan for those roller coaster cameras. They brought masks of classic memes and posed for a throwback photo.

32. Caught by surprise

This poor lady had no idea there was a massive drop at the end of Splash Mountain. Her horrified expression was caught on camera. It's pretty hysterical.

33. Won't be returning

What's a guy to do when he finds out his 23-year-old girlfriend has never been on a roller coaster? Make it his mission to change that, of course. Oh, and capture her reaction on film.

34. "Another drink, sir?"

The sheer level of detail in this is impressive. Not only do they have costumes, props, and facial hair, but there's even liquid in that glass. It might be apple juice, but still.

35. I think he's having fun

This little boy's expression on one of his first roller coaster rides is just precious. It's no wonder his family held onto it as one of their prized possessions.

36. No one's having a good time

This family planned to cross their arms and make a grumpy expression for the camera. But one member forgot the plan and let out an expression of terror.

37. "You okay, man?"

It's normal to see people screaming on roller coasters, but sometimes, they also make some truly strange expressions. Just take this guy for example. His expression is less "I'm scared" and more "reanimated zombie."

38. Sir, please keep your clothes on

Not only has this guy taken his shirt off, but he's standing up while on the ride. It does appear he still has a seatbelt on, which is good news. Otherwise, this might've been the last photo he ever took.

39. What's happening here?

This appears to be a bird flying in front of the roller coaster. If you were alive at the time, you might remember something similar happened to Fabio. Hopefully, no one killed it with their face.

40. This is a stickup

These guys ended up with an awesome photo with just a couple of simple changes. The "robber" has his visor over his face while the "victim" is handing over his money. Genius.


Someone getting sick on a roller coaster is about the worst thing that could ever happen. Well, I guess dying is worse. But vomiting is a close second.

42. Are they having fun or are they terrified?

Everyone makes silly faces on a roller coaster, but these four are in a category of their own. Their expressions are so unusual I'm not sure if they're enjoying themselves or want to get off the ride.

43. Just hold me

These two people are so terrified to be sitting at the front of the roller coaster, they're holding on to one another for dear life. I sure hope they know each other or the photo will look kind of awkward. Not to mention hard to explain to their real partners.

44. You never know who's on a roller coaster

Even superheroes love roller coasters, as evidenced by these two. They're throwing off their secret identities and showing the world — or at least the camera — who they really are.

45. A lot is going on here

Every person on this roller coaster has a different expression, each one hilarious. Honestly, I can't explain any of them. Especially not the guy in the front.

46. You're never too old for a coaster ride

You might think people get bored as they age. But these two are proof to the contrary. After all, you have a lot of spare time during retirement. Why not have fun?

47. Time for a quick nap

I'm the last person to say there's a wrong time for a nap. But if there was, this might be it. The guy in the front is even sucking his thumb.

48. Just wait for it to be over

Not everyone is a fan of roller coasters and that's okay. When they get pressured to go on one, they pretty much just hold on for dear life and wait for it to be over.


What's with people taking their clothes off on roller coaster rides? This group of friends thought it would be funny to flash the camera during a drop. But I have some questions about the guy on the left…it seems he lost his shirt completely.

50. She'll be talking about this in adult therapy

This poor girl looks so terrified that she might never go on a roller coaster again. Sometimes, kids have to learn lessons the hard way. Lesson learned today: she's not a fan of roller coasters.

51. He's not impressed

Everyone else on this roller coaster looks like they're having a blast. But the guy in the front looks bored. I guess he's been on better roller coasters before.

52. "Can you hear me now?"

Forget about bringing a phone — these two friends brought an old-fashioned tin can phone on a string. It didn't work very well when you were a kid so I doubt it'll work at all on a roller coaster.

53. Grandpa's having a rough time

This little girl looks like she's having the time of her life on the roller coaster, but the man — presumably her grandfather — appears as though it's all a little too much. Usually, those roles are reversed.

54. Forever alone

There's nothing technically wrong with riding a roller coaster alone, but it does make for an odd photo. But hey, if he was happy, then I'm happy.

55. When you get so excited you punch your seatmate

When you're on a roller coaster, things get somewhat confusing. People scream, cry, and throw their hands in the air. Sometimes, those hands just happen to connect with a face.

56. The human body wasn't meant to go this fast

The average speed of a roller coaster is about 81 miles per hour. But the fastest one in the world reaches a speed of 150. It's faster than most of us have ever gone — as you can tell by this photo.

57. Time to light up

I'm no amusement park expert, but I'm 100 percent certain cigarettes aren't allowed on roller coasters. How would you even light them with all that wind?

58. Sir, we don't allow swords on this ride

I have no idea how this guy managed to smuggle a sword onto the ride. Frankly, I'm not sure whether I should be impressed by his sneakiness or alarmed by the lack of security.

59. Caught red-handed

Note to self: never murder someone while on a roller coaster. Your case will be over as soon as they see the picture from the ride. Foiled by a photo.

60. Snakes on a coaster

What would Samuel L. Jackson have to say about this photo? Something tells me he would've had enough of these mother flippin' snakes on this mother flippin' roller coaster.

Cedric Jackson is a contributor at SBLY Media.


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